Windows and Ransomware : Make hay when the sun shines

After 'WannaCry' (trivia : WannaCry is short for Wanna deCRYpt), now we have a new breed of ransomware on the horizon.

Called 'Petya', this one follows in the footstep of its predecessor and encrypts your hard disk, thereby locking you out of your data. To access your data, you would need a key, which the hacker will provide you once you have met their monetary demands.

Ransomware is becoming commonplace today. And with data being the new oil, I am sure organizations would be more than willing to pay up as well.

But there is someone else trying to make money off the ransomware threat. And that someone is none other than our dear old Windows! 

Yesterday we had the cyber crime and today this ad by Microsoft pops up in my facebook newsfeed.
Either Microsoft themselves are the guys behind the ransomware, or they have a pretty smart social media team!

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