A Tale of Two Cities

Rains have been pretty much battering Bangalore over the last couple of days. And getting back home through the mud and slush gives me nightmares. I am pretty sure, soon they'll have a phobia named after the hitherto mundane task of getting back home from work.

One look at the flooded roads, mucky footpaths and haphazard traffic and you wonder, is this how I am destined to live the rest of my life. Jostling for space in this never ending cacophony of people and pollution?
Or is this chaos, a ladder which will one day lead all of us to the greater good? (+10 points to you if you got the GoT reference)

It also got me thinking to what an ideal city would look like. And having heard that Chandigarh is one of the better planned cities in our country, I decided to have a look.

And what I saw can be summarised in the 2 images below. Someone has very truly said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Bengaluru's chaos, in all it's unplanned glory!

And Chandigarh, neatly laid out like a ladder!!

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